Module 2- The Stages of Development and Developmental Tasks

Module 2- The Stages of Development and Developmental Tasks

1.        From my early childhood, I could say that my knowledge about things around me is starting to widen. I am started to grow, to add colorful things in my mind. And I am starting to imagine things. In my early childhood, as 3-5 years old, I played all the time, ran all day long, crying sometimes and eat some cereals and milk. And when my middle and late childhood arrives, this is where my knowledge of everything is in a completing stage. Wherein my skills were developing in terms of reading, writing, and counting. I'm in the most opened world to know everything and I am starting to ask questions to my parents and all the people around me.  And from this stage, I am totally not a kid who plays every hour of my day. All my knowledge and imagination were expanded.  Wherein I can experience small challenges and problems that may encounter at this stage. Also, I develop also my emotions, feelings, and pain. I believe these stages, I am able to acquire the expected developmental task or the doings at this given age. My parent was one who helped me to this task and also the environmental factors that merely affect my developmental task.

2.        As of now, I am in the adolescent stage, I'm 18 years old now and I am confident enough that  I develop everything that takes place with this stage. I'm proud that all this developmental task as expected at my given age was complete and  I'm able to acquire it. Through emotional, spiritual and physical changes were developed such as my characteristics as a woman. I'm being more matured enough in everything. My knowledge was completely develop, I can do things on my own,  I also know how to control myself, my feelings and emotion. As 18 years of age living in this world, I can understand things, solve my problems, make a good decision and being more knowledgeable of everything. I am now capable to manage my time, and now I am achieving my dreams to become successful and having my own responsibilities.


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