Module 1- Human Development: Meanings, Concepts and Approaches
Module 1- Human Development: Meanings, Concepts, and Approaches
From this module, I realized that growth or development can maybe faster or slow growth in different aspects, we all have changes in our life, physical, emotional and spiritual it can pertain to growth and development. Growth refers to the increase of the physical size of our body, like height, weight, and growth of hair while development refers to progressive change in skill and capacity of function like abilities and also knowledge.
Also, human development refers to the biological means development of life, it is related through birth, it can be heredity or environment. It also refers to the psychological developments of the human being it means it is related to mental development throughout the life span. In every development, it can be positive or negative, positive in terms of a healthy lifestyle while negative in terms of not capable of hearing, sight and etc. So that we need to know our own development and to what to expect in a particular given age and from this module I developed that on my process of development should be accurate and objective. I also developed my emotions, personalities, perspective, thought and physicals nature. In every stage of our development should be accurate at our given age and it is correct at the same time.
From this module, also we can determine the major principles of human development. First, it can be relatively orderly means our development follows an order and pattern it can occur inward to outward or from top to bottom. Second, was likely to vary among individuals means development can maybe faster or slower at maybe affected in such factors of heredity and environment. The third one was, development takes place gradually means it takes time to development happened. And lastly, the process is a complex means development can be a product of the biological, cognitive and socioemotional process. In short human development is unpredictable it can happen or not and it can maybe fast or slow. Just wait until development develops in the right time.
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