Prenatal Development

Pretending to be a fetus
"Letter to Mom"

Dear Mom,
          Hi Mom, How are you? It's me your baby, I'm gonna be your first daughter in your life. I'm so excited to come out even if I am starting to develop in your womb, I want to be together with you, I want to feel your love and your solely tender care with your 1st baby. I can't explain how happy I am that you can be my mother. But this excitement and happiness easily changed to sadness and hurt through my heart. I don't know why you are being problematic the whole day, using illegal drugs, medicines, cigarettes and your drinking alcohol drinks. I can see that you're hurting yourself, I can feel the pain on what you are doing in yourself mom, I hear those such words that you don't want to be with you and fades away and you are crying the whole night.
          Can't you see that there is inside your womb, I'm here mom (yes you don't hear me but Mom I can do everything just to feel you that I'm here to love and care for you). As day passed by, I starting to develop my bones, I starting to grow and become bigger. Please mom stop what you are doing "when you hurt yourself I'm also hurting". Please wait me to come out and let me develop in your womb for nine months. After that nine months mom, I can be your perfect daughter, and you will realize that your decision was right. I love you so much mom, so please don't do anything to harm me and yourself, to be separated with you and please mom don't let me to not see the world together with you. Help me to grow and perfectly formed as a baby. I will change your sufferings to happiness when I come out. I can love you, I will care for you, I will never leave you and I will be your strength. Let's be together to see and travel the entire world. So please mom stop on what you are thinking and make our lives more meaningful and happy. I love you Mom.

                                            Your soon to be daughter


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